Thursday, November 29, 2007

National Adoption Day—Celebrate Day 29

Artwork for Orphans

In the September E-news, we placed a call to all young artists... Now you can celebrate National Adoption Month by sending in your child's artwork as a gift, to be sent to one or more orphans participating in the Children's Hope Sponsorship Program. Work on a new art project together or simply take a digital photo or scan of your son or daughter's favorite pieces of artwork and e-mail the photo or PDF to

Also include: an accompanying note or birthday wish.
This note should introduce your child, give a short explanation of the artwork and perhaps a little encouragement. If the artwork is noted as a birthday gift, our sponsorship staff will ensure the child receives the art and special note on their birthday.

View work from Children's Hope submitted artists, below!

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the artwork and roll over "Notes" with your pointer to read more about the artist. Enjoy and thank you for participating!


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