Tuesday, November 13, 2007

National Adoption Month—Celebrate Day 13

Yesterday, Cry of the Orphan received a letter from the White House. Jay Hein, Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, shared these facts:

The needs of orphans today are staggering. An estimated 143 million children face the world as orphans in the developing world. In the U.S. alone, 514,000 children live in our foster care system, and approximately 115,000 of them are waiting to be adopted. Without parents, children are often deprived of the love and protection they need and are often susceptible to abuse, illness, poverty and other injustices.
Read the letter and share this link with your friends and family. At Children's Hope our mission is to find 'Homes, Health, and Hope for Children in Need'. Five hundred fourteen thousand of these children live in foster care right here in the US. Encourage and lift up those you know who seek to adopt domestically and through the US foster care system today.


Cry of the Orphan programming for November 13:
FamilyLife Today
Michael Easley, President of Moody Bible Institute and his wife Cindy discuss the topic of infertility and adoption.

Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson
"Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved" (Part 1 of 2)
Author Dorie Van Stone tells her story of growing up as an orphan and encountering the God that deeply loves her.
To find a station near you featuring "Focus on the Family" programs, visit www.listen.family.org/findastation.


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