National Adoption Month—Celebrate Day 15
Lori Willis and her son Jonathan set out to capture their joy as a family among the autumn leaves. Lori gave their photographer instructions: "No poses, no stress, lots of fun, lots of giggles!" The result? What came out in the photos was their natural love for one another.
Make it a tradition: each year during National Adoption Month, take a picture together as a family...and share it! Share your photos with your friends and family, with your adoption community, and with Children's Hope.
You'll see Lori and Jonathan (adopted from Russia in November 2005) featured in the winter edition of the Children's Hope International print newsletter, in your mailbox next week. Families happy together—that's definitely something to celebrate!
Note: If you would like your pictures submitted to a Children's Hope publication, please send non-professional photos, or ensure you own the digital rights. ...Our staff loves to view them all; thank you!
Cry of the Orphan programming for November 15:
FamilyLife Today
Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church and author of The Purpose Driven Life, address the recent Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit on the topic of the church’s response to the orphan crisis. (Day 1 of 2)
Children's Hope Executive Director Dwyatt Gantt and Outreach Director Cory Barron attended this conference. Read Cory's take on the church's response here.
Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson
"Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved" (Part 2 of 2)
The Heart of a Birth Mom - Mrs. April Warren and Mr. Nathan Howe — April Warren shares her story of how as a 17-year-old she decided to place her child for adoption. Nathan Howe, April's biological son, shares his story of having been adopted. The two were reunited on Focus on the Family in 2006.Money Matters
Paul Pennington and Jason Weber from FamilyLife will discuss the joy of orphan care and adoption ministries in the local church.
Andy Lehman from Life International shares about the many financial programs available to help families afford the cost of adoption. In this program, Crown will air selected testimonies from those whose adoption were especially blessed regarding financial obstacles.

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