An Update on Hague Accreditation and What the Hague Convention Means to CHI Adoptive Families
Two news sources, The New York Times and, covered December 12’s US ratification of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption. What will the Hague Convention mean to families of international adoption and particularly Children’s Hope families?
Indented below are several important paragraphs taken from these two news stories, The New York Times' "U.S. Joins Overseas Adoption Overhaul Plan" and's "U.S. Joins International Treaty on Adoptions". Following these paragraphs, unindented, is further explanation and details from Children's Hope Dianna Briner, who has worked closely in our application preparation for Hague Accreditation.
"This convention establishes international laws and procedures for intercountry adoption. Cases involving the Hague Convention are to ensure that adoptions occur in the best interests of the children." (State Department spokesman Sean McCormack) ...Sometimes adoption processes need to be slowed down. In countries, such as Guatemala, the adoption process is often highly regulated by attorneys only, as opposed to orphanages or local government. A slow down in this country would allow guidelines and precautions to ensure the best interest of the children, birth parents and adoptive parents.
The treaty calls for authorities to make sure that birth parents haven't been persuaded to give up their children in exchange for money, urging countries to take "all appropriate measures to prevent improper financial or other gain in connection with an adoption".
The new rules may create delays in finalizing adoptions, especially adoptions from those countries that have also approved the Hague convention. (CNN)
Several countries that are common points of origin for children adopted by Americans have not agreed to the treaty, including Vietnam, Russia, Ukraine and Ethiopia. (CNN)This does not affect Children’s Hope relationships with these countries. Adoptions will continue as the country remains open to international adoption. Our families will have a level of assurance that Children’s Hope operates within government oversight. Countries we work with who have jointly agreed to the Hague will operate with mutual oversight, under the same rules and regulations.
Each nation names a central authority — here, the State Department — to establish ethical practices, require accreditation for the agencies handling the adoptions, maintain a registry to track complaints and create a system for decertifying agencies that do not meet the standards. ...There are currently three categories of agency applicants to Hague Accreditation, in regard to their progress towards accreditation. Some pursuant agencies have yet to complete their site visit with the accreditation committee, while others have completed their site visit but need to submit further information. Children’s Hope is in the category: Site Visit Completed Without a Request for Additional Information.
More than 300 applications have already been filed and others will be accepted until Feb. 15, 2008, when approvals and rejections will be announced. Among the criteria are the size and qualifications of the staff, the agency’s financial resources and its policies, which must include a transparent fee structure and mandatory training for parents about the physical and emotional condition of orphans. (The New York Times)
Related: Children’s Hope Team Finalizes Report for Hague Accreditation

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