Colombia Program Update Includes Several Referrals!
The Children's Hope Colombia Team is excited to announce that the Colombia program has given four referrals this week: two siblings, a boy, 2 1/2, and a girl, 5 1/2; and 2 baby boys, both around 1-year-old! All three families should be able to travel next month.
In addition, families have accepted their referrals this week for a sibling group of 4: ages 11 and under, and a young girl, age 7.
ALSO our Colombia Team was able to meet a beautiful 16-month-old from Colombia and her elated parents at the St. Louis airport this morning!
Traveling: In additional Colombia Program news, a family is returning to the US tomorrow after completing the adoption of siblings, 11-year-old sister and 8-year-old brother. A Colombia Program family leaves tomorrow for a 1-year-old boy and we have one family in country for a 10-year-old girl.
Congratulations to all of these families as they transition!

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