New China Waiting Children Will Be Added Throughout the Day to
Overnight, the CCAA uploaded photos and information for a large set of waiting children with special needs. Throughout the day, May 4th, the Children's Hope China Team will be adding these children to our site.
Many of these children have minor special needs. However, no families' requests on our current list match these children. We would love to find these kids a home. Please log in and, if it is in your heart to do so, pray over these children.
If you are interested in adopting a special needs child and are not currently a Children's Hope family, consider applying today to view these children. is password protected for application approved families. Thank you!
* Update, 5/11/09
As children become available for review on, I will be posting notifications to the Children's Hope yahoo groups. I hope this helps keep families informed and up-to-date on the frequency of additions to our online photolistings.
To join a CHI Yahoo group(s), please send an email with the following information to Ann Tollefson, our CHI Yahoo moderator, at
1. Your full names(s)Ann will verify that you are a CHI approved family and then email you a Yahoo invitation to join the CHI Yahoo group(s) you request. Please do not hesitate to email Ann if you have any problems or questions.
2. The email address by which you wish to receive Yahoo group emails
3. The country from which you are adopting
4. Where you are in the adoption process
Thank you!
Jennifer Newcomb, CHI Communications

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