Friday, November 12, 2010

Celebrate Hands-On by Giving

Prior to families traveling to Ethiopia, either for court or to bring their child/ren home, many are asking what they can take with them to donate to the Children's Hope International House of Hope (HOH) transition home or the orphanage from which Children's Hope children are referred. As of this week, we reached $10,000 in in-kind donations delivered in 2010 to Ethiopia by 31 adopting families!

Throughout the year, families have packed vitamins, baby bottles, over-the-counter medications, art supplies, bedding, books, toys, bikes and piles of new clothing into their luggage for the long journey to Addis Ababa. Thank you so much families for making this sacrifice for the kiddos in Ethiopia.

In-kind donations, worldwide. These woven hats were donated to orphanages in China and were delivered by traveling families.
In celebration of National Adoption Month, find a family soon to be traveling for their adoption and offer to give in-kind donations yourself. It is a great hands-on way to celebrate the gift of adoption and become involved in adopting families' lives.

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