Ethiopia First Adoption Finalized!
After patiently waiting for Children’s Hope Ethiopia licensure, Kevin and Stacie submitted their adoption paperwork and received the referral for their beautiful healthy boy just one month later. Today in the Ethiopia courts, Kevin and Stacie's adoption became official!
His name is Yabsira, “work of God the Father”. The new parents will travel in three to four weeks to meet their adoptive son and bring him home to Missouri, where they will rename him Micah Yabsira.
“His name is an affirmation for me,” says Sharon Turner, Ethiopia Program Director. “Truly this is God’s work...and I’m reminded here of how He can use even a baby to deliver His message. For our first referral to come with his name speaks volumes to me.”
Congratulations to our first family!
In the last few weeks, Children's Hope has received two additional referrals for our first pioneer families, one for a sibling group of a 2-month-old boy and a 2½-year-old girl, and the second for a 3-month-old baby boy. These children are receiving direct care in Children's Hope transition home, House of Hope, while the families wait for adoption approval in court and their travel dates. As courts finalize these pioneer family adoptions, their happy photos will be shared!
Children's Hope families will continue to receive referrals while Ethiopian courts break beginning August 5. The courts will remain closed for 3-12 weeks.Caption: On their referral day, a photo of son Yabsira stands in for the family’s first photo opportunity, with Program Director Sharon Turner and family adoption social worker Erin Tilley by their side.

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