Monday, November 26, 2007

National Adoption Month—Celebrate Day 26

Over the course of National Adoption Month, you have become aware of the staggering statistics of the world's children in need of loving families. In 2007, Children's Hope International created a program to reach out to the 140,000 churches in the United States to bring adoption and orphan care awareness into the church. Today consider celebrating National Adoption Month by becoming a Children's Hope Church Volunteer.

Our volunteers are amazing people, with the opportunity to do much. Here are some of the possibilities:

* Share your heart and passion for children who have no one to help them, telling every person you meet of the mission to be the one to reach out to them.

* Present a “Pastor’s Packet” to your pastor for permission to begin an orphan ministry.

* Announce the ministry in your church bulletin and lead others who have the heart for these children to become involved.

* Organize other groups from your church to be a part of the team, including: bible studies, women’s and men’s groups, Prayer Tree and MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups.

* Set up a table once a month with information on adoption and orphan care projects.

* Set up a table once a month for Orphan Sponsorship.

* Connect Michelle, our Church Outreach Director, with your youth ministry to begin the youth project in January 2008. (This one is going to be fun!)

* Host a Dinner Party in your home to bring awareness to adoption and orphan care.

* Present information to your child’s school to bring a positive awareness of adoption and do a project such as build a well in India.

* Conduct presentations at your local Lions or Kiwanis Club.

* Organize the ORPHAN TREE OF HOPE project every November and December.
To take the first step to involvement, contact Michelle Howdeshell at 314-812-1746 for encouragement and more information.


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