Wednesday, November 7, 2007

National Adoption Month—Celebrate Day 7

National Adoption Month is a celebration of family. If you are not an adoptive family currently, it is difficult to realize the array of emotions involved in adopting a child—internationally, domestically, or through foster care.

Hallmark Channel online is presenting a series for National Adoption Month, simply entitled Adoption. The series portrays real-life experiences of those involved in adoption from birthmothers, families involved in infant domestic and foster care adoptions, and several families adopting internationally. Please note: a few featured families completed their adoptions several years ago and have been home with their child for some time. Although the timelines and fees mentioned may vary from today, the emotions remain the same. (For current adoption timelines and fees, visit our Adoption Programs Overview page.)

You may delve deeper into real family experiences by visiting Children's Hope Family Stories online. If you are a Children's Hope family, consider writing your story to share with others and spread awareness of the joys of international adoption.


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