Thursday, November 6, 2008

Children's Hope China Families Receive Referrals!

Children's Hope International is proud to announce yesterday's arrival of 8 referrals for our 02/17/06 log in date families. All of the referrals were beautiful little girls from the Jiangxi Province that ranged in age from 8 to 13 months, with one referral being 3 years, 5 months old. The referrals also included one set of twins! These families waited 33 long months from log in date to referral. These happy referral families to travel in approximately 8 weeks.

Congratulations to these families and all our China families who have moved up in line! Children's Hope International's next log in date is 03/02/06.

The China Team
Tina Qualls, Rebecca Davis, and Christina Ortwein
Children's Hope International


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